Trumping Adversity with Optimism

Shivakumar Narayanan
2 min readJun 11, 2021


After every pandemic or plaque, there has been a Renaissance, a revolution. History speaks this truth. Normalcy gets questioned, the world is turned upside down. But then a new normal gets created; evolution happens in all aspects of life and everything around us. People change for the better. We have the best survival instincts. Whenever pushed to a corner, we always have a choice. One choice is to fight back, but there is a better choice, choose optimism.

You have a set of beliefs that you count on, and anything that challenges that unsettles you. This pandemic, in a way, is challenging everyone’s assumptions in one way or the other. What if they are constantly changed or challenged? If we are rigid, we spiral down. But we don’t have to;

When the world at large is down, we have a choice, and what better choice than optimism. It opens up different routes to a new world. Of course, it will take time and resources, but by being optimistic, you make change possible, you pave the way for evolution.

One day at a time, keep fighting the good fight. It won’t be green light all the way just because you chose to be optimistic. But one day at a time, one person at a time, if we select optimism, we will change the world, we will heal the world. Not overnight, but we will definitely. This pandemic is the best chance for us to evolve, adapt and build a new normal.

If you look for solutions, you will find them. We already see optimism in action. The world, society, governments have not given up on civilization. So why can’t we do that in return?

Be optimistic; Humans were not made to be quitters!



Shivakumar Narayanan

Intuitive Problem Solver, ENTP, Experimentalist, People-Process-Product-Profit, Otherish Giver, Currently at MulticoreWare Inc!