Mindfulness ideas that work for me
Prior to 2020, I was addicted to my internet devices — be it my laptop, tablet, or mobile phones. There was a point where I used to be constantly reminded about new messages and updates to consume on Facebook, Slack, LinkedIn, Youtube, and other social media platforms, and it did its job of distracting me from my work at hand.
But what was hurting me the most was the mental burden this constant need to consume was having on my emotions, leading to stress, anxiety, and real addiction to consuming for the sake of consuming information.
I happened by chance to listen to a book on audible, related to mindfulness and wanted to experiment.
Experiment 1:
I went cold turkey. I disabled all notifications or alerts.
- Be it work-related messaging apps or other social media apps/instant messengers like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, WhatsApp, or anything. I disabled all notifications(Lock Screen, Notification Center, and Banners). So I will have to open the apps(Disabled everything so that it won’t show I have new messages or emails on the logo on the home screen).
- Email Accounts — Again disabled all notifications and it is only dependent on my need to check emails when I am on a laptop or other portable devices.
This brought down my compelling need to check them as there were no notifications or alerts I needed to attend to or consume! It felt good and still feels good.
Experiment 2:
Do Not check emails on your mobile phone once you decide to sleep and only check them once your work time the next morning starts(or have a cut-off time in the morning after which it is ok to check emails). This was tough, as I like to check emails first thing to make sure there were no firefights or escalations that I needed to plan as part of my workday. My thought was- it’s better to be prepared by knowing what emails are there before I start work. But decided to give this experiment a try and it made a world of difference.
I had a considerable reduction in anxiety that comes from checking emails the first thing I wake up.
Having said that, I have faltered in this experiment a bit over the last 6 months but slowly making improvements here.
Experiment 3:
Something that I first started(Probably should be tagged as Experiment 1) is that for many years now, my phone is always on Silent/Vibrate mode. Ringtones don’t disturb me or the environment I am in(be it office or in a group). If there is a call, it vibrates on my phone and Apple Watch and I take it if I can. I see a lot of people have blaring ringtones and I feel somehow it doesn’t sit well with me. But then everyone has their preference and this preference of mine works well for me.
What Next?
I still consume a lot of Junk but something I am trying consciously trying to refine.
Now to the next experiment(Say Mindfulness Experiment #4) — consumption of these social media apps in a metered manner. Have a dedicated time of the day where you check them — these could be different for different apps:
Social Media, Work-Related, Learning-related, etc.
What has worked for you if you have tried this Mindfulness Experiment #4?
Any suggestions?